Sunday, June 16, 2013

Liver writes email Educating Person about the Perils of Alcohol

In a bizarre event a New Jersey resident has received an email  from his own liver thanking him for staying away from alcohol for the weekend.

The email read :
"Dear Sam, This may sound shocking to you but I really am your liver. I am really grateful to you for having stayed away from alcohol this weekend. It was a welcome change for me that you drank a lot of water and did some exercise as well. You know that I've been having a tough time over the last few years since you have taken to binge drinking on Fridays and Saturdays. I have spoken to your neurons and a few other organs and they too don't seem very happy with your habit. I would on behalf of them request you to control your drinking. I understand that it is tough but I would request you to try. I also know I have no control over your actions but would wish to inform you that once I fall ill then you're going to have a tough time. I have for your quick reference attached in this email a picture of how one of my friend looks after having fallen ill. The disease is called Cirrhosis. I hope you understand I am writing this letter for the good of both of us.  Also I am a pretty good looking organ as of now with no blemishes to my skin, once I get Cirrhosis I tend to get acne and wrinkles as well. I love the attention I get from other organs and other livers as well given my health - so please Sam for the sake of this relationship please cut down on your drinking. 
Your Liver."

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