Thursday, November 1, 2012

New Jersey man sees shark in backyard - claims it's a friend

A man in coastal New Jersey has claimed that a shark he befriended during one of his swimming sessions in the Atlantic ocean and made friends with had come to visit him. "I know you would find it tough to believe that I have a aquatic friends and that they too have feelings" he said as he shared a photograph with a reporter.

"Joy, as he called the shark had asked me for my address when I met him last summer and said that he would surely come to meet me, at that time I thought he was kidding but now I believe" said Juan del Potro.

Zoologists who interviews Juans interaction with the shark has in collaboration with Geologists gone to work on a theory that either Hurricane Sandy had been caused by sharks which is bang opposite of what the Republicans say, who blame President Obama for Sandy(Link here).

Another theory is one that is proposed by an Astrologist Ramesh Mehta who claim animals can predict the future and that Joy had predicted Sandy would happen last year just like his pet parakeet who apparently told him that Mitt Romney would be contesting for president. When asked who would win the elections he went silent.

Meanwhile it is said that Joy used a good GPS to reach Juan and people have reported seeing on the way too.

When asked Joy what the secret of his good direction sense was, he said "Well I promised to meet my friend and I got to him by NOT using Apple maps". 

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